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更新:2020-07-15 00:00:00



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剑与远征 国际版 历史版本

  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.42.03
    大小: 101.88 M
    1. Added the ‘Field of Stars’ feature to the Library. Players can unlock different ‘Starbursts’ within the Library that will enable them to enjoy a variety of different bonuses.

    2. Added a new monthly limited-quantity “Hero Choice Pack” to the Noble Tavern, which can be activated by unlocking a specific “Starburst” within the Field of Stars feature. Available heroes within the “Hero Choice Pack” are limited to Celestial, Hypogean and Dimensional factions.
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.41.02
    大小: 100.86 M
    1. Added a smart notification function to the ‘Reset’ gear function that allows players to see which heroes are in need of factional gear.
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.41.01
    大小: 100.55 M
    1. Added the new Mauler hero: Anoki - The Blood Guard
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.40.02
    大小: 100.54 M
    1. Added the new Mauler hero: Anoki - The Blood Guard
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.39.01
    大小: 101.12 M
    1. Added the new Graveborn hero: Torne - The Wandering Corsair
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.38.01
    大小: 99.80 M
    1. Added the new Wilder hero: Saurus - The Risen Warrior

    2. Added a new skin for Lyca called “The Glade Keeper”, which can be found within the “Wardrobe” feature.
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.37.03
    大小: 100.46 M
    1. Added the new Lightbearer hero: Oscar - The True Gentleman

    2. Added a new spring themed appearance to both Ranhorn and the Dark Forest.

    3. Added the new ‘One Year Anniversary’ event. For specific details on this please keep an eye on our community updates.

    4. Added the new ‘Achievements’ feature, wherein players can acquire Achievement Points, Stickers and Badges. Certain achievements that were completed prior to the addition of the achievement feature may not be displayed immediately.
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.37.01
    大小: 100.41 M
    1. Adjusted the position of certain information found on the player detail page and also optimized it by adding the player’s current campaign progression information as well as a hero display feature to it.

    2. Optimized the way players interact with badges and stickers on the Achievement Wall that is found within the player detail page.
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.36.05
    大小: 101.83 M
    1. Added the new Lightbearer hero: Oscar - The True Gentleman

    2. Added a new spring themed appearance to both Ranhorn and the Dark Forest.

    3. Added the new ‘One Year Anniversary’ event. For specific details on this please keep an eye on our community updates.

    4. Added the new ‘Achievements’ feature, wherein players can acquire Achievement Points, Stickers and Badges. Certain achievements that were completed prior to the addition of the achievement feature may not be displayed immediately.
  • 剑与远征 国际版 剑与远征 国际版
    版本: 1.35.01
    大小: 99.64 M 新变化
    1. 新增亡灵军团英雄星墓守门人 - 奥登
    2. 悬赏栏添加“一键派遣”和“一键领取奖励”功能,通关关卡12-40或者达到VIP等级6级解锁。
    3. 悬赏栏增加新等级8级,达到8级后将不再出现精英品质任务。
    4. 优化了主线推关玩家通关录像的选取条件。 下载

剑与远征 国际版app游戏截图

剑与远征 国际版app_剑与远征 国际版安卓版app_剑与远征 国际版 1.43.01手机版免费app
剑与远征 国际版app_剑与远征 国际版安卓版app_剑与远征 国际版 1.43.01手机版免费app
剑与远征 国际版app_剑与远征 国际版安卓版app_剑与远征 国际版 1.43.01手机版免费app
剑与远征 国际版app_剑与远征 国际版安卓版app_剑与远征 国际版 1.43.01手机版免费app
剑与远征 国际版app_剑与远征 国际版安卓版app_剑与远征 国际版 1.43.01手机版免费app