作者:佚名 来源:辰乐游戏 时间:2024-09-21 17:45:54
Hello everyone, I am Haobao! Follow Haobao, bringing you the latest news about the Dream of the West every day! The following review represents only personal opinions, not official or platform positions. In the Dream of the West, there is a group of people who do not like to do tasks, but they love the leisure gameplay in the game, such as planting money tree seedlings, or matching the houses and courtyards, planting trees and raising a ranch when free! The gameplay of the Dream of the West is very diverse, suitable for all kinds of people! The entertainment players that I have seen the most are achievement hunters, they may fight for hours for a little achievement! Even for a few achievements, they do the faction tasks continuously for 365 days, what a perseverance! And what Haobao wants to show you in this article is the display of the player who ranks first in the server achievements! I thought he was just focused on entertainment, but I didn't expect his equipment to be so terrifying, let's take a look! The first player in server achievements, level 159 with over 13,000 achievements, equipment makes other players envious! The account is a level 159 Demon King Village, this is the panel attribute after casting symbols, this attribute is higher than many level 175 players, the task completion is very aggressive! This is the strength of the server's top achievement account, the achievement points have been brushed to 13,033, and this is still not updated data, his achievement points are still growing, unreachable for other players! Level 150 exquisite Asura puppet demon puppet demon suit female head with Luohan golden bell, forged 16 moonstones, equipment that can be used for server battles! Level 150 ungraded chaos beast suit necklace, after smelting initial spirit 240, forged 18 relics, this necklace is for low-level X9 masters, will be more aggressive! Level 130 ungraded chaos beast suit female clothing, single magic power +34, forged 13 relics! Level 140 ungraded chaos beast suit shoes with armor breaking technique, forged 13 black gems! Level 150 angry exquisite Asura puppet demon puppet demon suit belt with armor shining, forged 16 black gems, also equipment that can be used for server battles! Level 150 ungraded weapon, after smelting agility and magic double +57, forged 15 sunstones! Rings and earrings in the bottom row are triple magic damage, accessories in the bottom row double defense and single health, bracelets in the bottom row triple health! 9th skill Unexpected Surprises Zen, the set is high attack and critical, no high divine! 12th skill High Blood Attack Zen, kills various difficulty tasks and is universal for PK! 12th skill High Blood Attack Zen, the skill is not much different from the above one, perfect defense and nurturing! 11th skill High Zen, close to full power point addition, high output, perfect attack and nurturing! Well, this level 159 Demon King Village display is complete, truly the server's first achievement account, still no one can surpass it! And while having such high achievements, the equipment is also very enviable, with an ungraded chaos beast necklace that makes even X9 masters envious, suitable for both tasking and PK, and the furious special skill belt that makes server battle players really strong!
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