作者:佚名 来源:辰乐游戏 时间:2024-10-15 01:14:54
Hello everyone, I am Haobao! Pay attention to Haobao, bringing you the latest news about the Dream of the Three Kingdoms game every day! The following reviews only represent personal opinions, not official or platform positions. It's been a while since I brought you resources for creating characters. From the recently displayed characters, players from the Abyss have shown relatively few, especially high-end Abyss characters are even rarer! In fact, Abyss characters are quite common in daily tasks, especially as auxiliary sects, they are very useful for killing difficult tasks! And the requirements for hardware from auxiliary sects are relatively low, as long as you have the required special skills, you can basically complete various difficult tasks! In this article, I want to bring you a character creation resource for an Abyss character. Although it is equipped with 7-forged equipment, it can still challenge difficult tasks. Let's take a look together! Creating a level 129 Abyss character, equipped with two sets of equipment, can complete various difficult tasks! The created character is a level 129 Abyss character with attributes focused on HP and agility, suitable for normal tasks, while switching to HP resistance attributes for difficult tasks! A level 70 cat spirit female headgear with Crystal Clear Spell, equipped with 7-forged Moonstone, essential special skills for killing difficult tasks! A level 80 cat spirit necklace with Arhat Golden Bell, equipped with 7-forged Relic! High attribute female clothing at level 120, with double increase in body and agility by 52, equipped with 8-forged Moonstone, and 1-forged Radiant Stone! A pair of cat spirit shoes at level 120 with Beast Power, equipped with 8-forged Black Sapphire! A level 70 Furious Stop Belt, equipped with 7-forged Black Sapphire! A level 120 weapon, with single increase in agility by 25, equipped with 5-forged Sunstone! There is also a set of equipment for normal tasks, which I will not show one by one, but I have taken 3 pieces of Animal Set, essential equipment for fixed damage sects! There are also two sets of accessories, one set is for normal tasks with double fixed damage, and the other set is for killing difficult tasks with double speed, allowing for flexible switching! The 6-skill Min Susmita Moon Charm, equipped with high perception, is very efficient for normal tasks! The 6-skill High Connect Full Force Rat Vanguard, a favorite of speed players, with a very fast attack speed! The 8-skill High Connect Blood Attack Painting Soul, a pet for killing difficult tasks, with 2 super skills bestowed! The 8-skill High Connect Blood Attack Vampire, with decent attack power and growth, also a pet for killing difficult tasks! The 4-skill Death Blood Pet Phoenix! The 6-skill Condensed Light Refining Color Blood Pet Moon Charm, used to withstand damage in difficult tasks! The 5-skill Low Connect Blood Attack Moon Charm, a bit awkward as blood sucking will poison! The 2-skill Blood Pet Phoenix! Well, this is the complete level 129 Abyss character created, equipped with two sets of equipment, one set for auxiliary equipment used in killing difficult tasks, and another set for all agility and fixed damage equipment used in normal tasks, a very comprehensive character! Just for task completion, it can be said to be move-in ready! Do you like a character like this?
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