作者:佚名 来源:辰乐游戏 时间:2024-10-29 10:36:32
Hello everyone, I am HaoZai! Follow HaoZai for the latest news on the game "Dream Journey" every day! The following review represents only personal opinions and does not represent the official or platform's position. When it comes to the popular physical class in the game, I think Lingbo City is the best choice because not only does it have high output, but also flexible operation, able to deal with both AOE damage and single-target burst damage, with strong explosive power! Especially when facing difficult tasks like killing Tian Gang and Di Sha, it can be considered as the main output in the team! Of course, to have good output and resistance, hardware is the most crucial factor! The pet must also be well-matched, with both attack pets and magic pets, as well as high-resistance blood pets are essential! In this article, I want to show you a level 129 Lingbo City, equipped with a simple high-damage weapon at level 130, paired with high-attribute Star Shard special skill equipment, capable of clearing various difficult tasks. Let's take a look together! Level 129 Lingbo City, simple high-damage weapon paired with Star Shard special skill equipment, capable of clearing various difficult tasks! After reaching level 129, the panel attributes of Lingbo City include 2757 damage, as well as good resistance and speed! The exquisite Star Shard set male headgear with beast power at level 120, forged with 13 Red Agate! The Star Shard set necklace with shattered peerless at level 120, refined with initial spirit 168 after melting, forged with 9 Relics! The simple Star Shard set armor at level 130, with double strength and agility +40 after melting, forged with 11 Luminous Stones! The Star Shard set shoes with broken blood and frenzy attack at level 120, forged with 11 Black Gems! The Star Shard set belt with fury at level 120, forged with 11 Black Gems! The simple high-damage weapon at level 130, forged with 13 Red Agate, with a total damage of around 829, which is very good! The rings and earrings have double damage and one speed in the lower row, with double defense and one HP in the accessories in the lower row, and double HP and one defense in the bracelets in the lower row, all forged with 8 Starlight Stones, with a level 4 special effect of flying steps! The 7th skill, high continuous hidden attack Soul Painting, equipped with high divinity, can be used for shattering armor when the speed is fast! The 7th skill, Pure Platform, paired with speed and blood pet Soul Painting, with a growth rate of 1.3, is extremely powerful! The 8th skill, Legacy Will, paired with violent Mustache Soul Painting, equipped with high divinity, has no lack of skills! The 9th skill, Legacy Will, paired with violent Mustache Tsushin Tintin, also equipped with high divinity! The 8th skill, Blood Attack Barrier, paired with vampire blood sucking, the barrier is slightly lacking in strength, and the aptitude also needs to be nurtured! Alright, this level 129 Lingbo City showcase is complete, the equipment and pet matching are very good! It's no problem to clear various difficult tasks, and you can also participate in intra-district martial arts competitions or cross-server PK in your spare time, a very good account! Do you like it?
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