流放之路3.5新版本S6 Betrayal赛季情报公开 大师词缀系统重做
时间:2019-10-18 21:32:07 来源:贺飞软件下载基地 作者:佚名
《流放之路》3.5新版本Betrayal赛季情报曝光。今日,POE国际服官网公开了关于3.5新版本Betrayal(暂译:背叛)赛季最新情报,在新赛季中,我们可以体验到最新的调查玩法,同时装备词缀制作与大师系统进行了重大变革,下面一起来看看吧。3.5背叛(betrayal)赛季 In Path of Exile: Betrayal, Jun Ortoi is investigating a mysterious organisation known as the Immortal Syndicate. Help her to manipulate their ranks, reveal the identities of their members, uncover their safehouses and take down their mastermind. 在新赛季中,新NPC在调查一个神秘的,被称为"不朽财团"的组织。帮助她操纵组织:揭示成员的身份,发掘他们的安全屋,刺杀他们的首脑。 The Immortal Syndicate has four divisions, each with its own goals: Fortification, Transportation, Research and Intervention. In each area, you will encounter a Syndicate member. Other members can show up to aid their friends or sabotage their enemies. When the battle is complete, you must decide how to continue your investigation. 组织有四个不同的部门,每个都有不同的功能:防御,运输,研发和干涉。在每个区域,你会遇到一位财团成员。其它成员可能会出现来帮助他们的盟友或者破坏他们的敌人。在战斗完成之后,你必须决定怎样继续你的调查。 (这里大概解释一下,因为翻译过来有点生硬:你每次遇到的是这四个区域的一个,遇到的敌人根据区域而定。区域内有一个固定的敌对成员,不过会有其它成员出现,这些成员可能是你的盟友或者敌人,打完之后你可以决定下一步去哪个区域,目测和神庙有些类似) There are eighteen Syndicate members, each with their own personalities, friendships and rivalries that change as you manipulate the organisation. You will need to bargain, execute, interrogate and even induce them to betray each other in order to further the investigation. 财团有十八名成员,每个人都有自己独特的性格,盟友和敌人。你可以通过各种手段来使他们敌对:谈判,刺杀,审讯,引诱他们互相背叛等等。只有让他们互相敌对你才能在调查的路上走的更远。 Your goal is to gain intelligence leading to the captains of each division. Raid their safehouses to pillage their supplies and uncover the ultimate identity of the Immortal Syndicate's mastermind. Each Syndicate member stores different item types in the safehouse. High-ranked members will have better items. Each division has a different twist on item rewards. Manipulate the Syndicate, maneuvering certain members into positions that are going to be the most rewarding for you. 你的目标是在每个区域中通过自己的智慧获得最大的回报。攻击他们的安全屋来抢劫他们的补给并发现他们首脑的独特身份。每位成员的安全屋中储存的东西都不一样,高阶成员的安全屋中有更好的东西。每个区域的物品回报都不一样。通过自己的设计,让某些特定的成员聚在一起可以最大化你的收益。(和神庙真的好像啊) Members of the Immortal Syndicate can drop items with new Veiled Modifiers. Take these to Jun to Unveil the item and pick from one of three properties for the item to receive. As you Unveil specific modifiers, you learn the ability to craft these onto other items and can work towards unlocking higher-level versions of these properties.财团成员会掉落有新词缀的物品,把物品带给新NPC来鉴定,并从三个词缀中选一个给物品。在你鉴定出新词缀的时候,你可以把这些词缀制作到其它物品上,并且可以解锁这些词缀的高等级版本。 (简单解释一下,新词缀的装备掉落的时候会有条词是未知的,你拿去给NPC鉴定,然后她会让你三选一,选了之后的词缀之后也可以在她那里给别的装备加上,有点类似于3.2的野兽加词缀方法,这个词缀有单独的池子,目前看到的22%穿混沌抗和+1图腾就很强了,镜子市场再次洗牌) As the Immortal Syndicate ascended in power, the old cohort of Forsaken Masters mysteriously vanished. In their absence, Einhar, Alva, Niko, Jun and Zana have risen as a new group of Masters to aid you. Their league content, including Delve and Incursion, has been added as core Path of Exile content. Bestiary has been reimagined and simplified; Einhar will handle the nets as you focus on hunting the beasts. 旧的大师们消失了。取而代之的是一组新的大师:3.2的野兽NPC,3.3的神庙NPC,3.4的矿坑NPC,3.5的二五仔NPC和zana。与他们相关的赛季内容,包括矿坑和神庙,被加入核心机制中。野兽赛季的机制被简化,你只需要干掉野兽,NPC会帮你抓。 (划重点,要考,大师们都滚蛋了(除了你老婆),赛季NPC们回归当大师,矿坑和神庙进核心,野兽在简化后先试一个赛季的水) We have revamped the entire process of Mastercrafting, from the user interface to the way you acquire new crafting options. Individual Mastercrafting options are now unlocked by completing specific content, such as Incursion rooms or Delve encounters, rather than by grinding Master levels. 我们彻底重做了大师系统,从界面到获得新配方的方法。现在开放新大师词缀的方式是通过完成特定的目标,例如特定神庙房间/特定矿坑遭遇,而不再是通过大师等级。 (这段也是重点,也要考,现在不用辛辛苦苦练大师了,只要你肝神庙和矿坑,自然该做的都能做,喜大普奔) Hideouts, favour and decorations are now shared across all leagues. You can load and save your hideout templates and share them with other community members. 藏身处,好感度和装饰品现在在所有赛季中共享。你可以向其它人分享你的藏身处。 We have added four new maps to the Atlas of Worlds. These new maps are fleshed-out versions of fan-favourite tilesets from deep in Delve's Azurite Mine. The entire Atlas of Worlds has been rearranged. 我们在地图仪中加入了四张新地图。新地图是根据矿坑深层最受喜爱的地形设计的。地图集又双叒叕重做了。 Alongside other balance improvements, Betrayal introduces ten new or revamped skills across three core character archetypes. These include several completely new types of skills, such as Brands and Banners. 新技能/重做技能围绕着三个核心的角色内容进行设计,包括几种全新的技能机制,例如brand和战旗(这个brand不知道怎么翻好,看起来有点像陷阱)。 Many of the 15 new unique items in Betrayal have Veiled mods, allowing you to customise the item more than ever before. Betrayal also includes five new Divination Cards, designed by our supporters. 15件新传奇,大多有新词缀,5张新命运卡。 简单总结:大师们滚蛋了,之前他们的活现在赛季NPC们干,根据看到的几张图来看大师能上的词缀会多不少。新的大师词缀只需要你肝就行,不用像以前担心某些傻吊任务怎么做了(例如刺杀的傻吊开箱任务和留守卫任务)。赛季内容是神庙和野兽的结合,没啥太大的新意,新词缀可能会有些有意思的东西,新技能目测会很有意思,值得期待。 《流放之路》精华文章推荐 新手图文攻略 各地图跑图指南 各职业介绍 T1-T15地形BOSS 异界图鉴攻略 热门装备分享 BOSS打法攻略 全卡片掉落汇总 缩写与简称汇总 词缀知识科普 商店配方汇总 打宝技巧分享 流放之路剧情历史 预言玩法机制详解 冷门技巧分享 新手秒变老司机 更多相关资讯请关注:流放之路专区