
辰乐游戏 > 游戏攻略 > 3dmark全成就翻译详情介绍


作者:佚名 来源:辰乐游戏 时间:2023-10-10 13:16:58


1、Red Hot

Can you handel Fire Strike Extreme ?

跑一次Fire Strike Extreme就行。3DMark启动!FSE运行!3DMark关闭即可。

2、Future Proof

Windows10? Check. DirectX 12? Check. Time Spy? Check. Congratulations! You are ready!

需要使用支持DX12的系统跑一次Time Spy,对于Windows10系统的电脑没有难度。

3、Free PC Upgrade

Submit a score that is at least 10% higher than your last score.



Submit a score from a system with 12 or more logical CPU cores.


5、What's the Rush?

if your Time Spy frame rate is less than 5 FPS , just relax and enjoy the details.

Time Spy里帧数低于5。

6、It's over 9000!!!

Fire Strike over 9000? There's no way that could be right.

要求Fire Strike跑分高于9000。

7、OC Madness

Only experts should try to push thier CPU more than 50% over stock.


8、Rock Solid

Score 99% or more in the Time Spy Stress Test.

要求整机在Time Spy压力测试中稳定性高于99%。

9、It's over 9000 , Again!

要求Time Spy跑分高于9000。

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